Ingredients of a Championship Team

As leaders and coaches, we need to take an honest look at our team periodically and assess whether we have a realistic chance to be successful. I'm sure there are many ingredients that you can list, but I encourage you to check these against your team this year. How many do you have?

•  Talent: The price of admission to capture a championship -- but the talent that fits you and fits together. There can be a lot of talent on losing teams.

•  Character: The inner makeup of a player; the “right-wrong” factor; the “selfless-selfish” factor -- each one extremely important to measure.

•  Discipline: the ability to keep working on the right things; it’s a year-long process for as long as necessary. It's a year-long marathon run like a sprint.

•  Leadership: True leadership, not just someone holding the "captain" title.

•  Chemistry: Does your team and staff respect, like and trust one another? 

•  Work Ethic and Focus: These go hand-in-hand; strong work ethic requires focus. When these two meet, "special" can happen.

•  Sacrifice: Is it all about me, or will I give up “mine," knowing that teamswin championships?

•  Role Acceptance: it may not be what you want, but it’s what the team needs from you for us to win. It's the value you bring to the team. Do you whine about it or embrace it?

•  Commitment to being a real team, not just a group of people wearing the same uniform; sacrificing oneself for the advancement of the team

•  Same page - Same message: The voice of the players and the voice of the coaches must be in harmony and have the same message

Yes, there are other ingredients, but give your team a self-assessment. See which characteristics you have and which you may not have yet. Most important, see which ones you can work to develop!

Wendy Eastman