Champions are About...

Champions are about...

One of the things I talk about in my upcoming book is what champions are all about. Here are a few of those 23 characteristics:

Champions are about getting in and getting up ... not giving in and giving up If you want to be a champion you're going to have teams and match ups coming at you every day. Every champion gets knocked down at some point. As Doc Rivers used to tell our team all the time, "You have to be able to take a punch if you want to be the best. Champions get knocked down too."

Champions don't get down in adversity ... they get involved in solutions There will be failures. There will be mistakes. Success is not a game of perfect. So how will you react to it? The best of the best are solution-based, not blame-based people.

Champions are about doing what it takes ... and not just taking what they can get To be a champion there must be a team approach. There must be a "help my teammate" approach if a championship is going to even become a possibility... I will do whatever it takes to get the job done. And I can count on others to do the same for me. It's never about what I can get for myself at the expense of my teammates.